Concert Band

2023 Spring Arts 01 - CB2023EW Mandalorian.mp4

About us

Concert Band is the NEW (2022!) combined East and West symphonic music ensemble.

Who should join? Student wind, brass, and percussion players in grades 9-12 are invited to participate in this extracurricular group. It is recommended that the student interested in joining this group either has previous band experience, can read sheet music, a well-developed ear, or is very dedicated to music making! 

What does the group play? This group plays ballads, marches, film music, symphonic music, and beyond. The learning focus is on music literacy, developing tone, music theory knowledge, and learning to blend and balance in a group.

When does the group meet? Rehearsals are on Wednesdays during lunch (11:40-12:25) in the West music room. East students are transported to West via the school passenger van and require a transportation waiver.

Who do I contact if I'd like to join? Email the director, Mrs. Natalie Sheeler, the IB music teacher at Sturgis East.
